Will The Twelth Imam claim to be Allah?
"Neither we believe the Allah nor the Prophet of the God whose khalifah is Abu Bakr." (Anwar-ul-nomania, page #278).
"These shia says Ali said....... I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth." (Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print.).
"Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allaah," (Usul- e-Kaafi -83.).
"We (shias) do not worship such a God who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan." (Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni..).
"Allaah often lies and does mistakes." (USOOL-E-KAAFI, page #328, Yaqoob Kulaini, vol 1).