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Friday, July 26, 2024

Gog & Magog according to the Prophet, Muhammad

In Islamic eschatology, Gog and Magog (Ya'juj and Ma'juj in Arabic) are mentioned in the Quran and Hadith literature. They are considered to be two tribes or groups who will cause great chaos and destruction near the end of times.

Quranic References:

Surah Al-Kahf (18:83-98): This passage tells the story of Dhul-Qarnayn, a righteous king who traveled to different parts of the world. He encountered a people who complained about the mischief caused by Gog and Magog. Dhul-Qarnayn built a strong barrier or wall with iron and copper to contain them until the appointed time when they will be released.

Surah Al-Anbiya (21:96-97): This passage briefly mentions the release of Gog and Magog as one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. It indicates that they will swarm down from every high place, causing great turmoil.

Hadith References:

The Hadith literature provides additional details about Gog and Magog:

Sahih Muslim: In a hadith narrated by An-Nawwas ibn Sam’an, the Prophet Muhammad describes the signs preceding the Day of Judgment. He mentions that after the defeat of the Dajjal (Antichrist), Allah will inform Isa (Jesus) that He has released certain people (Gog and Magog) whom no one can fight against. Isa and his followers will seek refuge on Mount Tur, and Gog and Magog will cause widespread destruction until Allah will ultimately destroy them.

Sahih al-Bukhari: In another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad mentions that Gog and Magog will dig through the barrier every day until they are finally released.

The stories of Gog and Magog are significant in Islamic eschatology as they signify the nearing of the Day of Judgment. The descriptions emphasize their overwhelming numbers and destructive nature, highlighting the final trials and tribulations that humanity will face before the end times.

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