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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Imran Hosein's Perspective on the Antichrist (Dajjal) in "Jerusalem in the Quran"


Imran N. Hosein, a renowned Islamic scholar, delves deep into eschatology—the study of the end times—in his book "Jerusalem in the Quran." One of the most striking elements of his work is his examination of the Dajjal, or the Antichrist, a figure who plays a central role in Islamic apocalyptic thought. Hosein’s analysis is comprehensive, and he uniquely intertwines historical, political, and religious elements to provide an intriguing perspective on the Dajjal. In his view, the Dajjal represents much more than just a single individual; he embodies a complex system of deception and control that has profound implications for the Muslim world and humanity at large.

The Concept of Dajjal in Islamic Eschatology

In Islamic teachings, Dajjal is depicted as a false messiah who will emerge in the end times, deceiving people with his false miracles and leading them astray. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) described Dajjal as a one-eyed figure with the word "Kafir" (unbeliever) inscribed on his forehead. He is said to possess enormous power and will claim divinity, misleading many through deception and falsehood.

While many scholars treat the Dajjal as a literal person who will appear in the future, Imran Hosein offers a more nuanced interpretation. According to Hosein, the Dajjal is not just an individual but represents a broader system that has been gradually unfolding throughout history.

Dajjal as a System of Deception

One of the most significant contributions of Hosein's work is his interpretation of the Dajjal as a system that deceives humanity into accepting falsehood over truth. Hosein suggests that this system operates through various means, including politics, economics, media, and social constructs. According to him, the Dajjal's system is designed to erode the spiritual and moral fabric of society, leading people away from divine guidance.

Hosein argues that this deception has been taking place in three distinct stages, which he calls the three stages of Dajjal’s mission:

The First Stage: Dajjal's Presence in the World as a Political System

In this phase, Hosein posits that Dajjal's influence took the form of a political entity, specifically the British Empire. He asserts that the British Empire was the most significant global power in history, and it played a crucial role in advancing the agenda of deception and control. Through colonialism, economic exploitation, and the establishment of financial systems that favor the elite, Hosein believes that the Dajjal's system began to manifest in the world.

The Second Stage: Dajjal's Transition to an Economic System

The second phase involves the transition of power from the British Empire to the United States, which Hosein identifies as the center of the Dajjal’s economic power. He emphasizes how the U.S. dollar became the world's reserve currency and how the global financial system has been designed to perpetuate economic inequality and control. The dominance of interest-based banking, which is forbidden in Islam, serves as a central tool for maintaining this economic hegemony. Hosein views this as part of the Dajjal’s strategy to enslave nations and individuals through debt and financial manipulation.

The Third Stage: Dajjal’s Spiritual Control and the Emergence of Israel as a Superpower

The third and final stage, according to Hosein, involves the establishment of Israel as the ruling state in the world. He suggests that the political, military, and economic power will shift to Israel, allowing it to assume a position of dominance. In this stage, the Dajjal will reveal himself, and the ultimate deception will be realized, with the aim of leading humanity into spiritual ruin.

The Role of Jerusalem in the Dajjal’s Agenda

A central theme in Hosein's book is the significance of Jerusalem in the Dajjal’s plan. He believes that Jerusalem is not just a geographical location but a symbol of spiritual and geopolitical power. Hosein argues that the Dajjal’s ultimate objective is to establish a false sense of divinity and control over humanity from Jerusalem, where he will eventually claim to be the Messiah.

Hosein discusses the historical and contemporary events that have paved the way for this agenda, including the Balfour Declaration, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. He highlights how these events are not isolated but are part of a larger, orchestrated plan to bring Jerusalem under the control of forces aligned with the Dajjal’s system.

According to Hosein, the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is a crucial milestone in the Dajjal’s mission. He claims that this act will serve as the catalyst for the Dajjal to declare himself as the divine ruler and mislead countless people into accepting him as their savior.

The Role of Modern Technology in Dajjal’s Deception

In "Jerusalem in the Quran," Hosein emphasizes that modern technology plays a significant role in the Dajjal’s ability to deceive and control humanity. He argues that the mass media, digital communication, and technological advancements are tools that perpetuate falsehood, manipulate public opinion, and divert attention from spiritual truths.

Hosein suggests that the widespread use of technology has led to a decline in critical thinking and a weakening of moral and ethical values. The constant bombardment of information and entertainment distracts people from understanding the deeper realities of life and keeps them trapped in a state of spiritual blindness. In Hosein's view, this technological control is part of the Dajjal's strategy to create a world in which truth is obscured, and falsehood reigns supreme.

The Zionist Movement and Its Connection to Dajjal

A crucial aspect of Hosein's analysis is the connection between the Dajjal and the Zionist movement. He argues that the establishment of the state of Israel is not merely a political or historical event but a manifestation of the Dajjal’s power on Earth. According to Hosein, the Zionist movement is intricately linked with the Dajjal's plan to gain control over Jerusalem and eventually establish a false kingdom of God.

Hosein traces the historical roots of the Zionist movement and how it has gained global support, particularly from Western powers. He points out that the unconditional support for Israel from countries like the United States is evidence of the influence and reach of the Dajjal’s system. By controlling Jerusalem and exerting influence over global politics, the Zionist movement plays a pivotal role in advancing the Dajjal’s agenda.

The Role of Islam in Countering the Dajjal

Hosein emphasizes that the only force capable of effectively countering the Dajjal’s deception is Islam. He believes that Muslims must remain steadfast in their faith, adhere to Islamic teachings, and cultivate spiritual awareness to recognize the Dajjal’s falsehood. Hosein encourages Muslims to develop a deep understanding of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to protect themselves from being misled.

He also underscores the importance of Islamic eschatology (knowledge of the end times) as a means of preparing for the Dajjal's emergence. Hosein argues that by understanding the signs of the end times, Muslims can equip themselves with the knowledge needed to recognize the Dajjal’s deception and avoid falling into his traps.


Imran Hosein's "Jerusalem in the Quran" offers a thought-provoking analysis of the Dajjal and his role in the modern world. Hosein’s interpretation of the Dajjal as a system of deception that has evolved over time provides a unique perspective that challenges conventional views. By linking historical events, political movements, and religious teachings, Hosein presents a compelling argument that the Dajjal's influence is already present and continues to grow.

Hosein’s work serves as a wake-up call for Muslims and all of humanity to remain vigilant, to seek knowledge, and to stand firm in the face of deception. He stresses the importance of spirituality, critical thinking, and adherence to divine guidance as essential tools in countering the Dajjal’s influence. In the end, Hosein’s message is clear: the battle against the Dajjal is not just a physical struggle but a profound spiritual journey that requires awareness, faith, and resilience.

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